Before I Was A Writer
I wrote my first book at the age of fifteen. I was a sophomore in high school, sitting in my art class when the idea came to me. Three months later I had an unreadable and completely unworkable draft of a book in my hands. However unreadable, it was a completed manuscript, and it stood as a testament to the career I would one day choose, the work that would become the focus of my college education and the sum of my daily life for years after graduation. I’ve talked a few times about my life as an aspiring writer and all of the things I have learned along the way. What I have not spoken much about is the time before I was fifteen and all of the little breadcrumbs along the pathway that led me to choose writing. Before I was a writer, I was a cartoon fanatic. It was Disney films and cartoon shows day in and day out. Some of my favorite Disney films were Aladdin, The Lion King, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, and so on. My favorite cartoon was Dragonball Z. One thing they ...