The Role of Music in My Life
I have just come upon an interesting question: How do you use music in your writing process? Well, I'm sad to say that instead of just giving a one-sentence answer and letting everyone move on with their lives, I am instead going to adapt the question and talk about the role that music plays in my life, because honestly, it's an important one. Oh, those long, long days come to mind where I know exactly what I want to write, know the exact scene that needs writing, rewriting, editing or deleting, but I just can't quite get my fingers to fall upon the keys. I'm too busy thinking about TV shows that I like. I'm too busy staring around the room at all of my electronics and thinking of how much fun I would have if I just decided to play hooky for the day. Worst of all, I get distracted by another story in my head. There is a task to be done, a story that needs attention, but my mind just wanders wherever it wants, and trying to grab it and anchor it back cr...